News and Resources

September 2019 Poll Results

In the post-debate poll in Iowa, Focus on Rural America found some shakeups among the Democratic presidential contenders and some key takeaways for the field. Iowa Democrats are focused on electability and they see rural issues and a rural strategy as key to that...

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Patty Judge’s Fair To-Dos

Patty Judge’s Fair To-Dos

Hello there! Former Iowa Lieutenant Governor and Secretary of Agriculture (and yearly fair-goer) Patty Judge here. As you know, we're less than a week away from the exciting two weeks of the Iowa State Fair. While that's not quite enough time to do all there is to...

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July 2019 Poll Results

ALBIA, IOWA – Focus on Rural America’s latest poll went into the field following the very first Democratic debate of the year. The findings provide exciting shakeups for the horserace and steady support for rural America. “I’m excited to see Iowans closely followed...

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